Tuesday 16 July 2013

Yeah. It is Ramadan

To all Muslims, happy ramadan ! 

Ni bila dah nak buka, Happy Iftar ! Hee :D

Saturday 25 May 2013

akmal amin, this is for you :)

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let's travel together around the world :) 

missing you is my hobby,
caring you is my job, 
make you happy is my duty 
and loving you is my life. :)

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kata kata inspirational for this new semester :D

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i love to read quote because sometimes it gives me strength, motivation and for most inspire me to do the best in my life. :) i hope so. 

yes, i am. :) thankyou but sometime yeahh i forget it. -.-

yeahh i'll remember this always :D 

YOU ARE AWESOME. remember that! :) 

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2nd semester 1st year

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20 may 2013 , bermula la 2nd semester 1st year aku. fuhhhhh. ada lagi 6 semester untuk aku tempuh in order to be a chemical engineer. in sha Allah. Ameen. aku cakap terus terang la first sem dulu aku mcm separuh mati kot nak hadap apa yang aku belajar. it is not easy like i thought. hurmm :( dlm separuh mati tu, ada jugak yg aku main2. that's why la pointer aku jatuh sem lepas. sedih much :'( tp overall alhamdulillah.

okay la taknak ingat pasal result sem lepas. teruk bak hang. sejak masuk utp memang pointer aku terumbang ambing. haa haaa kan dh start cerita pasal result. eee taknak taknak. lupakan dah. hurmmm. actly, nak cerita pasal permulaan 2nd sem nihh. 

2nd sem ni aku amik subject ..... tadaaaa ! 
-fluid flow transport and process. 
-principal of chemical engineering
-organic chemistry
-vector calculus
-islamic studies

haaa haaaa nampak tak kepayahan subject yg aku amik sem ni berdasarkan nama subject itu sendiri. hurmmm. okay okay aku terima cabaran ini untuk jadi engineer. fuhhh again. percaya pada diri yang anda lakukan yang terbaik. *cakap depan cermin* good luck mental, physical ! hahahaha

satu lagi cabaran yang aku dapat dalam sem ni. hurmm. almost my lecturer are foreigner. weiiiii serious susah nak faham slang dorang. ada subject yg smpai dua lecturer. jgn tanya aku kenapa sebab aku pun tidak tahu. :3 haha. ni haaa lecturer saya. Fluid flow - Dr Gulam Murshid aka Dr GM (glamor gitu nama gelaran dia. hahahaha). lg sorang lecturer fluid flow - Dr Suriati (perempuan melayu. dia okay la. cuma agak semput dgr dia bg lecture. *sediakan pam dkt tepi*). principal of chem eng - Dr Saibal Gangudy. dia ni foreigner dari mana ntah. mcm india kot. eh dia pernah ajar dekat india. not sure if he's from india or not :3. (dia ni bak kata mon, rambutnya suci :O hahahaa) . Organic chem - Dr Oh Pei Ching. aku suka dia ni ajar :) sangat best and senang faham. aku boleh nampak la yg dia ni memang nak tolong student faham. every time lepas dia  ajar satu topik , dia akan tanya "understand. if not, tell me haa" . lagi satu! aku suka tgk rambut dia. panjang and lurus. awhhh cantik. huhu. Islamic studies - Dr Donald Malik . haaa dari nama dia korang dah tau kan dia foreigner :3 dia dari US. haaa dia ni cakap fuhhh laju. hahaha.and apa dia ajar aku tak faham :'( sama mcm dr saibal tuh. tp ustaz ni kan bibir dia nipis bak anggg. bila masuk kelas, mesti muka merah. al maklumlah omputeh kann. hahaha. Vector calculus - ???? hahaha aku taktau laa siapa lecturer aku. first week ni dia tak masuk kelas langsung. penat ja masuk kelas tunggu dia mai datang. so no comment about him/her. Drama.- ??? pun aku taktau.sebab kelas drama ni start on third week. now tgh first week ,nak masuk 2nd week. (jgn ketawakan aku masuk drama. no choice. terpaksa ) okay kawan kawan. ini comment sy tentang lecturer sy based on first week. hahahaha. kira mcm first impression laa. uuuu. hahaha. -,-

sampai sini je kot aku update pasal 2nd sem ni. ada cerita menarik aku kongsi lagi ea. menarik ke cerita ni ? *garu kepala* entah laa. hahaha. takpelaa. cukup laa sampai kt sini. lain kali kita sambung bergosip dan bercerita. huhu. tataaa.

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Friday 24 May 2013

perfect chemistry :)

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When I'm with you, I'm bout to explode
Cause the way I feel is more than my heart can hold
I smile, and giggle round you, without even knowing
I try to hide it but, my love keeps showing

And I'm trying not to fall, but I have no choice
I'm falling in love
Yes, I'm trying not to fall, but it's just too late
I'm falling in love

Cause you complete my heart, we're a perfect harmony
And you, are my blanket of security
And you, are the music to my melody
And we, yes you + me, create the perfect, the perfect, chemistry

With you, things are different than before
You make me feel unlike any other
Your eyes, do more than hypnotize me
They make me feel of your sincerity

And I'm trying not to fall, but I have no choice
I'm falling in love
Yes, I'm trying not to fall, but it's just too late
I'm falling in love

Cause you complete my heart, we're a perfect harmony
And you, are my blanket of security
And you, are the music to my melody
And we, yes you + me, create the perfect, the perfect, chemistry

& I have, wanted just one guy, to show me that they
aren't all the same
& you are, that one guy for me, I wanna feel this way forever,
for eternity
& you have showed me love is true and no one understa-ands, me better than you do

Cause you complete my heart, we're a perfect harmony
And you, are my blanket of security
And you, are the music to my melody
And yes, me + you create the perfect, the perfect
Cause you complete my heart, we're a perfect harmony
And you, are my blanket of security
And you, are the music to my melody
And we, yes you + me, create the perfect, the perfect, chemistry

p/s : i love this song :D the lyrics is just awwwhhh :)))

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Thursday 23 May 2013

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dari petang tadi aku nak update blog nihhh. eh silap dari hari tu lagi sebenarnya. =.= tapi asyik terbantut je niatnya . ni aku dah semangat bukak new post. sebelum tu main fb dulu al maklum la twitter sudah deactivate buat sementara. tgh duk scroll news feed ni. tak alih2 muncul beberapa org nama dan aku pun tekan lah profilenya. tgk punya tgk sekali ada gambar si dia. -,- aku pun gi tgk profile kawan dia sebenarnya. kawan maktab dia dulu. haaa sekali tappppppp. terus teringat dia dan terasa rindu yg teramat sgt. hahaha. *hiperbola* berbulan aku tak jumpa. hanya berbbm sahaja. aiyoo. haaaa then teringat dan teringat dan teringat. terus aku dah tak ingat apa yg aku nak post sebenarnya tadi. haiyooo. membebel punya bebel, panjang gak aku type -,- hahaha okay laaa nanti aku sambung update cerita terbaru yek. -,- byeeeee. 

US :)

Daisypath Anniversary tickers